The school is a top performer with a history of producing good results at both ‘O” and “A’ Level exams. It has perennially featured in the top 100 high schools in Zimbabwe.
Regina Mundi High School attained 93.75% and 93.48% pass rate in the November O-Level exams in 2013 and 2014 respectively. In 2014 the school had a perfect 100% pass rate at A-Level.
In 2017 the school was placed 40 out of 100 A-Level schools in the country.
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The school also came out tops when it notched 98.52% pass rate in the ‘O’ Level November 2016 Zimsec results becoming the best in the Midlands Province where 330 secondary schools sat for the 2016 ‘O’ Level examinations. Of the 135 candidates who sat for the ‘O’ Level exams, only two students failed.
Blessings Ncube From Regina Mundi
Blessings Ncube From Regina Mundi
That same year, 33 students passed 5 or more subjects with a C or better and 63 got more than 5 As’ each.
The school had 14 students with 5As, 14 students with 6As, 13 students with 7As, nine students with 8As, 10 students with 9As and three with 10As.
They did not stop there. In the November 2015 exams, the school scored 98.98% in the A’Level ZIMSEC examinations with 71 students with 10 points or better and 95.8% in the O’Level category with 78 students with 5As and above.
One of the students, Blessings Ncube (pictured), attained 12 A’s.